31st October 2025 - Samhain
Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season. Samhain was the division of the year between the lighter and darker half and these liminal spaces in time were always deemed to be magical where a doorway to the ‘other world’ opens. Samhain coincides with the end of the growing season and essentially it’s a celebration of the seasonal transition to the darkest time of the year where death is widespread in the natural world. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge our relationship to nature, a time to honour all those who have come before, to acknowledge all that has been gifted to us during the year, to ask for guidance, and to set intentions as the turning of the wheel begins again. Samhain is a time for reflection, gratitude, recharging and renewing.
This celebration will take the form of a day retreat at Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire and will be run by myself and Sarah Pike from Wild Earth Yoga. We will use the beautiful natural surroundings and guided meditations to facilitate reflection and introspection, to connect with our inner selves and to set our intentions for the coming year. We will use the energy of reiki and sound healing to help us to let go of what we don’t need and to provide us with some guidance and direction for the coming year. Sarah will lead a Yoga Nidra session, a form of yoga that facilitates a deep state of relaxation with awareness to help us to go inwards and nurture ourselves – a state that we, and nature, will be in until change comes with the winter solstice.
The workshop is held at Doddington Hall, 10 am – 5 pm. 4 people max. Tea/coffee/lunch are provided
£155 pp