for the nature lovers
These sessions are designed to help to deepen your connection to nature, to facilitate personal development and healing, to introduce you to reiki and the power of flowers. We all know that gardens and nature have the power to restore. To have the time to be present in nature is amazingly powerful and a beautiful tool to find some mental space and peace. I am a reiki practitioner and I use flowers and energy together to help people to move forward in their lives. Flowers have their own energetic signature so the individual flowers you choose have meaning – you are drawn to them for a reason. Finding the space to listen to what they are saying with the help of an intuitive and sensitive facilitator gives scope for creating beautiful personal transformation.
one to one nature therapy and reiki treatments
These sessions use reiki and nature as therapy in relaxing, mindful and empowering one to ones. These are designed for anyone who is feeling frayed around the edges, blocked, anxious, at a crossroads or who wish to deepen their own connection with nature or are curious about energy work and wish to explore their own experience of it in a personal, earthy way.
THE Coven
The Coven; a collection of individuals with similar interests or activities. A group or meeting of witches or crones.
Crones, hags, and witches frequently were the preservers of knowledge and the bearers of wisdom. They were the leaders, mentors, advisors, midwives and healers in their communities. They fully embedded sacred feminine energy and stood firm in their intuition, wisdom and power. The term Crone has been hijacked and has negative associations, leading to the view of older women as invisible, superfluous, unattractive and the sacred feminine qualities of intuition, compassion, connection to nature are dismissed as lesser and weak.
The Coven is designed for anyone who identifies as a Crone who feels that they would like some support to step in to this part of their life, or for people who embody sacred feminine energy and feels unable to express their true nature and feel disempowered in the environment they live or work in
The aim is to help women to have the confidence and self-knowledge to stand firmly in themselves, not to be swayed by what anyone else says they should be and to see and know themselves.
Join Guy Petheram and myself for a beautiful nature connection retreat in Mid-Wales. We will be using a combination of guided walks, meditation, creative practice, yoga and sound baths to immerse you in the stunning landscape of our retreat location.
Floral retreats
A floral retreat is a powerful and beautiful combination of reiki, flowers and nature-based creativity. It is held in Rachel’s floral haven - a purpose built studio and flower therapy garden in the walled kitchen garden at Doddington Hall.