for the creatives
It doesn’t matter where you are on your creative journey, connecting with other like -minded people is an essential part of your professional development. You might be starting out and need to learn to find your voice or you may be an established creative and need someone to create the space to unlock something that you didn’t know was there. I am an experienced and intuitive facilitator and my skill is helping to find what is authentically you, and to help you to use this in your creative business.
‘unearthing’ and ‘the pathway’
I have partnered with the wonderful Fiona Pickles - a bio-artist who works with botanicals, paper, rust and earth. We express our own connection with nature in very different, unique ways and are highly skilled in helping others to find their creative voice. Between us we have many years of experience and have developed two bespoke mentoring opportunities, aimed specifically at nature-loving creatives who want to pivot and work with nature in a meaningful way.
‘Unearthing’ is a single day where Fiona and I help you to uncover what your strengths are and where you should be focussing your attention. It helps to set your destination, whereas the ‘The Pathway’, an intense 8 month mentoring programme, will help you to get there. The video below shows Fiona and I discussing our vision for these two offerings and to share some more information about who it is for and what it is about.
Explore these two options below:
the pathway
Perhaps you’re an existing creative whose current projects are just not feeding your soul and you want to move into something more aligned with who you are and what you love? Maybe you want to start ‘something’ new in a nature based creative business?
This bespoke and unparalleled pathway, from Rachel Petheram and Fiona Pickles runs once a month over an 8 month period, focussing entirely on what you need to move forward. We spend time delving into your subconscious to help you uncover what your dream business looks like. We then tailor the sessions to ensure that you have the skills you need to craft something that works for you, as well as the confidence, intention and a clear direction of travel.
This is a creative mentoring session run by Rachel Petheram and Fiona Pickles . We have developed a day for creatives who are working in/wish to work in a nature based creative business but who are stuck and can’t find a way forward. We will enable you to develop an understanding about yourself and give you insights into how to mould a perfect business that will feed into your very essence.
1:1 Creative mentoring
This is for anyone who needs change in their life or career. I have a background in teaching and have been running my creative business for 17 years. I am a very experienced teacher and mentor and I can help you to learn more about yourself, discover what is holding you back and unlock the potential within.